
Happy 42th Birthday Jay

Zhen Ling Ong 張貼

Happy 42th Birthday Jay
"哥生日最棒的禮物 就是每個人幸福快樂平安健康 還有最近叱吒風雲拿下華語新片票房冠軍 Yeah✌🏻謝謝大家 還沒看的快看喔Spent my birthday in nature surrounded by dear friends and family. What a beautiful idea by my girl Hannah. My only birthday wish is that everyone stays healthy and happy as always. Thanks for all the love and support from around the world!"

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今天哥也會去其中一個戲院 如果有遇到 請尖叫

Zhen Ling Ong 張貼

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Zhen Ling Ong 張貼

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Zhen Ling Ong 張貼

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今天參加了 叱吒風雲 電影直播 帥嗎🤣

Zhen Ling Ong 張貼

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